Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Cara Membuat/Merencanakan Rumah agar Sejuk Tanpa AC

Bagi orang-orang yang tinggal di kota-kota besar, pasti merasa bagaimana panas suhu di kota ini. Tidak hanya di siang hari, bahkan di malam hari juga bisa membuat kita tidak tidur, karena suhu panas. Solusi termudah adalah dengan menginstal mesin pendingin atau ac (Air Conditioner). Efeknya adalah untuk mendinginkan rumah, tetapi biaya sangat boros, karena kita  harus mengeluarkan biaya tambahan untuk membayar listrik.

Apakah ada cara untuk membuat rumah sejuk tanpa memasang AC?

Dengan memasang ac di rumah maka tagihan listrik pasti akan naik. Itu sudah pasti. Kecuali nekat 'mencuri' listrik yang dipasok oleh perusahaan listrik negara . Meskipun tarif listrik di negara kita ini bisa dibilang tidak murah. Jika ini tidak tertipu, maka mungkin merusak pendapatan / penghasilan kita. Berikut adalah 6 cara untuk membuat rumah sejuk tanpa ac.
1. Agar pintu masuk dan keluar udara lancar, maka pastikan rumah memiliki banyak bukaan. Lubang ini dapat berupa jendela atau ventilasi. Selain itu, pintu juga dapat berkontribusi, jika daun  pintu yang dapat mengalirkan udara.

2. Lokasi bukaan juga harus dipertimbangkan. Idealnya, dalam ruang, bukaan ditempatkan berlawanan, sehingga ada pergerakan udara. Biasanya ini disebut ventilasi silang. Jauhkan jendela atau ventilasi di rumah tidak hanya di satu sisi dinding.

3. Memastikan ketinggian langit-langit yang memadai juga dapat membantu membuat rumah sejuk tanpa ac. Idealnya, ketinggian langit-langit minimum adalah 3 m. Alasannya adalah langit-langit tinggi, rasa pemanasan udara panas di atas atap tidak akan terasa di bagian bawah, tempat di mana kita melakukan aktivitas.

4. Dengan menambahkan kisi pada pembukaan, maka ini dapat melindungi bukaan dari panas matahari. Dengan demikian, udara yang mengalir ke dalam rumah buffer tetap, sementara terik matahari dapat dikurangi. Jadi  udara di dalam rumah tidak panas.

5. Jika memungkinkan, menambahkan kolam di sekitar rumah. Hal ini karena uap air dari kolam dapat mendinginkan suhu di sekitarnya, sehingga udara yang melewati kolam akan memiliki suhu yang lebih rendah.

6. Pohon dapat mengurangi suhu udara. Jadi pastikan lingkungan sekitar rumah kita punya banyak pohon rindang. Dengan adanya pohon-pohon, udara akan pindah ke rumah yang telah lebih banyak udara dingin.

Demikian, beberapa cara yang dapat membantu dalam  membuat rumah sejuk,  tanpa AC.

Jumat, 25 November 2011

How to Make Your Own Magnetic Generator

As the electricity prices are increasing day by day, people are compelled to use other alternative ways to acquire electricity. The huge amount of electricity bills has very adverse effects on people’s budget and they are trying to get rid from the clutches of electric power companies.  These electric power companies are charging their customers high because of constant increase in fuel prices around the world. Due to this problem, people are moving towards other solutions to solve their problems. These solutions include the usage of cheap alternative energy resources for electricity production. These resources include, wind power, turbine energy, solar panel energy and magnetic generator for electricity production. Among them, the wind power turbine energy and solar panel energy requires huge initial investment. On the other hand, a magnetic electricity generator can be made yourself. In the next few lines, I am going to tell you that how to make your own magnetic generator.

There are several benefits and advantages of homemade magnetic generator. It will help you in reducing your electricity bill. It is sound proof and does not make any type of noise which can increase environmental pollution. It is eco friendly because it does not produce any type of pollutants. Unlike wind or solar energy, it can work in any type of weather settings where as the former one, needs to be operated in specific settings. You can use it anywhere at picnic spot, camp fire etc where as the other alternative resources are fixed and cannot change their position. A magnetic generator needs shaft, turbines, motor and most importantly magnets. You do not have to worry about materials because they are easily available in the market. It is necessary to follow detailed directions in order to make your first magnetic electricity generator in two days.
It is worth to note that for ordinary generators it is impossible to produce free electricity. If we talk about generators other than magnetic generator, then these generators use some kind of liquid fuel like petrol, diesel or gas in order to work. But magnetic electricity generators do not have this mechanism because large amount of magnetism is always there, which enables shaft and turbine to work smoothly without using  any additional and external energy as input .The motor having the advantage of the repulsive force and the other most important, the attraction properties of the magnets to produce electricity. This generator is very easy and safe to use because it cannot be combusted or can’t catch fire. The devices used in making magnetic generator are emissions and radiations-free, that is why you do not have to worry about pollutants or the toxic fumes which other generators produce more often.

Magnets 4 Energy

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

101 Tips For Selling Your Home

TC | 101 Tips For Selling Your Home  

Thinking about selling your house without a real estate agent?

It can be done and the truth is, many people do it very successfully. But there's a trick to it that not everyone grasps.

What's the secret? Just like in anything else: knowledge is power! Soldiers don't go to combat without orders, plans, maps and guns. Entrepreneurs don't create profitable businesses without knowledge of the market. Surgeons don't go into the operating room without knowledge of their patient.

And now - you'll be able to sell your house armed with the knowledge of a professional real estate agent. I've got over one hundred tips that will be your ammunition. The housing market is hot and it's time to make a fortune with...

101 Tips For Selling Your Home!

Minggu, 04 September 2011

TC | Real Estate Income Secrets

TC | Real Estate Income Secrets

If You Want To Join The Thousands Of People Making A Fortune In Residual Income From Investing In Real-Estate, Keep Reading Because You Are About To ... Find Out Everything You Need To Know To Start Investing In Real Estate And Set Up A Comfortable Residual Income That Will Give You The Freedom To Do What You Love!"

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